Sunday, August 30, 2009

Local Wonders Still to Uncover

Yes, I know most of you locals in Lafayette will think this silly of me...having lived here 3 years and never experienced the local Farmers' Market downtown on a lazy Saturday morning, but it's true! I had yet to do it until last Saturday when Melinda and I meandered the streets. Up to this point, the local Farmers' market was simply an image in my mind prompted every time I parked for court in the 2 hour spots marked unusable during market hours in the weekday afternoons.
Saturday's experience has now prompted a love for the local market and I plan to make it an ongoing ritual when the schedule allows. In case you've yet to try it, let me paint a word picture for what you can anticipate. First, I recommend a slightly crisp early morning venture for the tone will greatly complement the even crisper tunes of flutes wafting through the morning hum of shoppers as they play rousing reditions of The Entertainer and other songs from eras long gone. Secondly, you can anticipate a mixture of floral arrays, breads, handcrafted jewelry and bags, honeys, maple syrups, fruits and vegetables. Not only do the prices and smells suggest a better pick than stores can offer, but the vendors eagerly share the tips for best preparation such as "Never boil the red corn. You must microwave or bake it." Who knew!
And of course, there's the allure of glancing through the crowd for recognizeable faces in disguise. Okay so maybe not intentional disguise but I was lucky enough to spot one of our local judges in baseball cap, sunglasses, and workout attire. Hardly recognizeable and a far throw from the long black robe.
The whole day reminded me I have yet to truly know and appreciate all that Lafayette holds, and for this, I am grateful because it means more local adventures are sure to be in my future! Thanks Lafayette!!!

Quote of Contemplation

"In case your thinking, 'But I can't memorize Scripture! I've tried, and it just won't work for me,' I was recently in a friend's home whose pet parrot sang "The Star Spangled Banner" in its entirety for me! As I stood there, amazed at what I was hearing, I thought, 'Well, if a parrot can learn "The Star Spangled Banner," we human beings can all learn to memorize Scripture!' Think of the time it took for a bird to learn the melody and tune of such as complicated song! Surely you can learn a verse or two from God's Word! If you do, your filled heart will be a source of encouragement to many!"
- Elizabeth George

The Return

I've decided to take back up blogging. I've missed it and the ideas to type have continued to accumulate in the recesses of my pardon the barrage of spill over as I attempt to reenter the realm of blogland.