Wednesday, December 2, 2009

7 Falls Hike - Bear Canyon

Today's hiking adventure was great! Headed up Bear Canyon to experience 7 Falls view. The creek beds were all dry - foreshadowing perhaps for no falls at the end? - However, the day was perfect, no wind and sunny with temps in the mid 60's later. Hikers beware as there were lots of rocks and then they became huge boulders to traverse. It was all well worth it though. 7 miles in about 4 hours...I really enjoyed the hot tub later to unwind!

Old dried cacti - "Weeping arms"

Seven Falls did not have much "falling" as it was too dry but pools of water were below and I saw a mouse scurry to get a drink.

Jim and Jim enjoyed a quick bite after hiking almost 2 hours into our adventure.

All the markingson this cliffside cactus indicate wounds from falling rocks. These are 400 pound cacti that can really withstand a boulder beating.