Thursday, February 8, 2007

What's up JTB?

So what's up the JTB (That's John the Baptist to the rest of all'ya'll). I'm serenely reading along the other night in Matthew 11 (which of course I've read before) and that intriguing thing happened. You know, the thing where a question comes to mind and you are like, "How come I never thought of this before?" Anyways...I'm thinking to myself, "Self, why is JTB sending disciples to Christ to ask if He is the Christ? Isn't this the same JTB who is related to the JC? The very one who is His cousin? Who would've grown up hanging out with JC at family reunions? The one who surely heard the notorious JC in the temple as young boy story?"
Was it really that surprising that Christ was the Christ?
How come people, especially relatives, weren't going, "You know that Jesus, He's just really got it all together. He never even smacks the other 5 year olds or yell at his mother or complain about the weather."
It made me ponder anew....What was Christ really like here on earth before His ministry began?
This whole dilemna for me has again reminded me of the mysteriousness of God...even God in the flesh. Plus, I now think I have one more question to add to the list of things to ask the Omniscient One.
If anyone else has any insights regarding the JTB on JC musings, please do reply.


Dana said...

I often wonder what Jesus was like as a child! I have learned that children start sinning as infants (wonder how I would know that!) and that it continues as they learn to talk and walk, etc. We are all sinners at heart! So then did Jesus ever cry or complain or anything?! I bet the other parents were jealous!

Jeremiah said...


Yeh good question...never thought of it before. I will have to ponder a bit on that!

Also loved the initials...very fun!

Finally could you imagine having the perfect kid! I cant, especially knowing me as i grew up! But is still even more amazing is that JC actually grew in wisdom! God of the universe actually growing in wisdom! Oh the mystery of the complete God and complete man in one!


MadMup said...

I heard a Christian comedian (think it was Mark Lowry) once do a bit on Jesus' childhood. I can remember the one line where he's got Mary telling one of his brothers, "Why can't you be more like Jesus?!" when they were in trouble.

Dana said...

I'm waiting anxiously for another post...

Anonymous said...


The Rock Star said...

Man, I missed a "great party" to study!? I AM A LOSER!!!! :(

Are you going to post something soon? I am not a fan of checking for new posts and finding nothing new. Come on! Give me something!!! :)

The Rock Star said...

Tony called JTB "John the Bulldozer" today. It was hilarious. You know because John paved the way for Jesus. How clever! :)

Mel Eik said...

yo when ya gonna post somethin?

C. Wilson said...

That is a good question Abby. I wonder if there is somewhere in the O.T. that speaks of false prophets and such. We know that JTB knew Jesus even in the womb. Maybe JTB didn't think it was time yet for Jesus ministry to start. Were there references in the O.T. as to exactly how old Jesus would be? Or maybe the disciples JTB sent didn't believe JTB and he said something akin to, "Well, go ask Him yourself." Possibly.

Michelle H. said...

Abby, fun question! I just studied this and I really enjoyed it. It was called "A Bout With Doubt" .... I don't think Matthew 11 is talking about falling away from Christ. It's talking about falling over a stumbling block and into a trap. One of Satan's most effective devices for causing a devout believer to stumble is to trap him over a matter of FAITH. Satan even tries to use Christ, Himself, against us. The most effective faith-trap Satan could set for a Christian is to tempt her to doubt the Goodness, rightness, or mightiness of Christ. Christ held John in highest esteem even after being questioned. "I say to you,among those born of women, there is no one greater than John..." Our God is a God of compassion. John was under terrible strain and his martyrdom was imminent. Jesus knew that! He could handle John's questions because He knew the heart and mind from which they came!" If you think about it John's ministry was not very long. He had not gotten to see all the wonders Christ had done. I wonder if John thought that "This can't be it! I hear about how Jesus is doing all these big things, I wish he would be something big for me" John had the huge job of into. Christ's ministry something he may not have fully gotten till he was in heaven. I dont think he didn't believe Jesus was the Christ! I think he just needed to be lovingly reminded that everything was going to be ok! I love how Jesus handled this! He was very compassionate! He didn't tell him to get over his pride and suck it up! He told the people "there is no one greater"! I loove his compassion and mercy! I love how Jesus could see his heart and handle Jonh's questioning!

Anonymous said...


I think it is a reminder that even some of the saints doubted God's sovereignty. And I think that JTB just needed a reminder like we often do during difficult times.

Hope you are enjoying Arizona.


Unknown said...

I think its time for a new blog posting ;-)
this one has been here a while...

Unknown said...

@... @...

(those were the tumble-weeds rolling by)

Dana said...

Marshall you are hilarious....