In an effort to recover from a long week of work, I opted to recharge by dodging phone calls and bringing out the artistic flare today. You can see the "fruits" of my labors depicted below or swing by the house to view in person.
Yes, this is a wreath of cranberries. If you attempt this project yourself, I would advise a thimble, 500+ toothpicks, 3 or more bags of the berries, and plenty of time. Isn't it beautiful?
Very beautiful!! :)
Lovely my dear. Obviously this is why you missed my call purposefullyl, I'll allow it. :)
That is quite pretty indeed. Is it the sort of thing birds will pick at, or did you spray it with something?
I have only made it once before and I don't recall any missing cranberries. It's not sprayed with anything. Perhaps mid-west fowl don't like east coast delicacies such as the cranberry? I'm glad you mentioned the concern though....I will keep an eye on my wreath to monitor its bird-berry edibility.
Very creative of you and an addition to domestic tranquility I'm certain. Nice work. Hey, in the event you don't get a crowd for thanksgiving and you all want to consolidate our efforts, you're all most welcome.
I think I am going to give your wreath a try. Crafty and tasteful.
Mkate...I think we are going to have 8+ for the holiday but we may be up for road traveling and saying "Hi" to others.
Markus...Going to brave the wreath? Yeah! Let me just say...I have learned a few things about the wreath that may be necessary to ensure a successful wreath's longevity. Please see other post for details.
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