Monday, November 30, 2009

Helvetia Mining Hike

It turned out to be a blustery day for a hike but well worth the chilly air. We headed up the Santa Rita mountains to a former mining area with lots of rocky trails and animals. Glancing up the mountainside, I spotted 2 deer who then spotted me too!

Cows were also out grazing in the free range.

Beautiful views in Santa Rita mountains

Amazing turquoise shades in rocks

Entrance to a mining cave

Colorful rocks were throughout this area

This is the remains of the corner of the hotel that used to house the miners.

After hiking through the chill, we took another cross route to see the "smelter." This is an area the miners would come to burn off the valuable minerals. As you can see from my pics, the rock is black, black, black and flakes at the smallest touch. A


Mining cave entrance at smelter

Straightest monkey cactus seen yet!

Smelter rock designs

Base of smelter area

Posing at the base of the smelter

Remains of cooking/kitchen area of mining operation

Old stove

Grass on smelter rock backdrop

Dry bed

Tree growing through metal bucket

Old car

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