Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hard Homework (and I'm not even in grad school anymore)

Amy Baker was the guest speaker in yesterday's FCI class that I am taking and the theme of the night was "It will be hard work." And she did not fail to send us away with a hard homework assignment amidst promises of certain fruitful blessings if diligently completed. The topic was "Controlling your Thinking." So the assignment is to log all your sinful thoughts, specifically pertaining to a list of typical pits we human creatures fall into.
Having arrived home from the coffe house, I began my log after catching myself complaining about the thought of writing all my thoughts down. I then responded to a question from Jonell with, "I would advise you this way, but I do not want one more thing to add to my list so here's what my answer is." Before curling up in bed, I had already accumulated 13 items on my list. Arghhhh! I haven't been so relieved to go to sleep in quite some time.
However, I am extremely grateful that today was filled with work to keep me busy on pleasing thoughts hopefully putting others first more often than not. I've decided though that I can't wait to see what patterns my sinful thoughts fall into. Perhaps I will glean an insight into something I was unaware of to assist me in letting the Lord change my thinking.
While I am quite excited to analyze this rapidly compiling data, I am also quite mortified at the extent of this list. I am seriously debating firing up the grill again and torching it once the two weeks are up so no one will ever see it...regardless of the HOA policies.
Some days heaven could not come soon enough. Good thing God grants us grace in the meantime.
If anyone else decides to do this hard homework too, let's talk! It's be exciting to share how God uses this.

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