Sunday, November 29, 2009

You know you are in Green Valley if...(part 2)

Some of you might recall an entertaining blog I wrote about Green Valley on a former trip. Because Green Valley's population is 55+, it makes for an interesting experience.

Take, for example, our latest trip to Walgreens and seeing the end of a brick wall obliterated. Now, it very well could be the trucker smacked it while attempting to get in the docking area, but given it's Green Valley, it's also highly likely the sweet, little old lady down the road obliterated in her run for scripts.

My latest addition to the list of ways to know you are in Green Valley comes courtesy of today's indoor swimming experience. A lady floating leisurely in the pool volunteered she observed a gentleman come out of the restroom without anything but his birthday suit one time at another pool. Upon realizing his error (and nakedness) he declared, "Oops!" and returned to attire himself before swimming.


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