Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I've been goosed!

Friday was the Careerian Costume party at the Rockin Refuge. Jonelly was so excited she carved her rendition of "Pumpkin Pie," which you need to look at closely and think scientifically to get. I was excited to have some porch decorations to promote the festivities.

Needless to say, the party was alot of fun and several people I had not seen in a long while dropped by (Yeah!). At some point in the evening, I was passing out candy and realized I had a new porch decoration in the form of a goose. When questioning those around me, no one seemed to know where or how the goose landed at my homestead. I think the goose needs a name to really capture the spirit of Octoberdom, so I've christened her Greta.

I also decided that Greta may be cute but she really isn't Rockin Refuge mascot material so I predict Greta will fly away to another home in the future. I did finally hunt down that Greta left many other statuesque animal friends to land at my home. My mom had the funniest comment which she left in a note for me which read, "I think the goose needs a sign reading, 'I'm just glad I'm not a turkey.'" Ha Ha! Good one Mom!

1 comment:

Mel Eik said...

Greta is so cute! You should definitely keep her!