Sunday, September 13, 2009

Poverty 101 Part 2

Just to round out a few other points on poverty....

The mental model of poverty, middle class, and wealth have some interesting differences. For example, an individual in poverty typically hinges life around relationship. Sub-dynamics include entertainment, agency time, cars, family & friends, crime and safety, food, housing, illness, and job/money. Compare this to the middle class model which is hubbed on achievement. We use networking in relating to others, negotiating power, and have a strong sense of identity in career. Sub-factors are children, vacations, hobbies, education, family/friends, clubs, retirement, housing/assets, prevention, and careers. And this verssu the mental model or wealth where the central focus is connections (it's all in who you know and decisions are made to enhance who you know). Sub-factors are private clubs, travel, oversight of personal property, charitable activities, media/political links, advisers, boards of directors, lawyers/accountants, vacations, event sponsorship and attendance.

In addition, poverty has driving forces of survival which is accomplished through relationships. The middle class focuses on work while the wealthy are mostly driven by social connections and finances.

Looking for ways to make deposits into others? Seek to understand the other, keep promises, show kindness, clarify expectations, be loyal, apologize, and remain open to feedback.

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