Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lanceism #154

Lance, my lil bro, has quite the verbage at times. He let loose another keeper the other night during a discussion with Jonell. The conversation was centered around wanting to put chairs in Jonell's room to which Jonell said she'd put them in front of Lance's door so he'd hit them in the dark of morning.
Lance replied, "My leg hair would detect it. I have leg hair like a cat's whiskers."

I understand that I may never come to have an understanding of men-isms in general because I am a woman; however, should I be worried about the lil bro with his leg hair comments?


Dana said...

I'm not the one to ask. Although I will tell you that my two year old son starts laughing hysterically anytime he passes gas, farts, whatever you want to call it. He thinks it is soooo funny and I keep telling him it isn't, but for now its cute. It won't be too cute 10 tens though.....

Hayden405 said...

Welcome back! reason for abnormal concern, I'd say. But, he'd have to be walking out of his room very slow, I'm guessing. ;-)