Thursday, April 17, 2008

I've been found...

Having succumbed to the pressure to join Facebook, I have been enjoying checking in with people a little more regularly...(and by checking in I of course mean pseudo-connection via electronic wires over the span of wireless connections). However, given these wonderful benefits, it had not occured to me the potential hazards that can come with connectivity. I.E. you may be hunted down by a person named Tiffany B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that you don't recognize. After contemplating who this strange-named person is you might hazard a click to see a message indicating said Tiffany's excitement that you have been found for a 10 year class reunion. Oh dear! (To think I didn't even know I was missing) First, were those high school counterparts really looking for me? Hmmm.... Second, am I really going to attend? Hmmmm....several friends would be great to see. In fact, I had my closest gal pals do predictions for each of us for 5 and 10 year marks and then we gave it to the most grounded person in the group (i.e. not me) to keep. It would be very fun to open those secret envelopes and see how we all thought we'd end up. I'm sure I'm quite wrong about most everyone, perhaps most wrong about myself...although I do think I gave myself a heads up on the being unmarried at 28. Kuddos to my 18 year old insights (ha, ha). So I may have to respond in the affirmative and venture a gander back to the cornfields of Illinois to see how my peers ended up. Has anyone else venture to any reunions? Contemplated their future reunions?
Do share, please.


The Rock Star said...

You should go! :) I will go to mine when the time comes. Though, I might be going for the wrong reasons... Small towns are interesting in that you basically know everyone that graduated in your small class of 85, and people surely could have some good stories from the past 10 years. It will be interesting to see which high school sweethearts stayed together and which ones did not. Plus, it would be fun to see people I have not seen in a LONG time. See where everyone is. Of course, it will be nice to have them call me Doctor. Hehe...

MadMup said...

I was not able to attend my 10-year reunion and have been sad about it since. Granted, my graduation class was 33 people, so I might have known them more than some folks know their classes.

I still keep in regular contact with a few of them, but it would've been great to see how the others were doing.


Daizie Girl said...

You should definitely go! Otherwise, you will always is a fun time. I went to mine and had a great time talking to old friends. Of course, those that created and stirred the drama in high school were still trying it (sadly), but the rest of us didn't buy in - thankfully most of us matured. I had a graduating class of 48 so we were a close knit group. Many of us were in school together for all 13 years. It is kind of like having a bunch of siblings - we literally grew up together!

Diana said...

My class was to have had reunion; however the class president's wife was having a baby and I really did not want to go anyway.....see later I found out that drugs were going to be involved...I dodged a bullet.

Abby :) said...

Thanks for the insight! I will probably go if I can coordinate with the ol gang to catch up. many of us had a graduating class of less than one hundred?