Saturday, February 9, 2008

3 & a half Edu-mi-cation

Kenzie hopped up on the over-sized chair flashing big, blue eyes and tilting her head to the right. "Yes," she explained, "preschool was cancelled."
"Well, it's nice to see you hanging out with mommy today. Was it cancelled because of the fog?"
"Yes," she quipped, with an authoritative look that suggested I must be silly to think it was for any other reason.
"Let's hope the clouds go away tomorrow so you can go back soon," I responded.
Turning her head to shoot me another look with a wide smile, she stated,"It's not clouds. It's fog."
"Oh," I said, trying to hold back a grin while anticipating a wonderful explanation was about to be forthcoming. "Clouds and fog aren't the same?"
"No!" was the resounding response with undertones of "duh, even I know that and I'm three."
"I think you will really enjoy science class one day."
Kenzie, with a puzzled look, glanced back at me perhaps wondering how science class would be of any help to her. She already attends preschool, the fount of all knowledge.
"Yes, science class should be really fun," I said. "You'll get to learn all about clouds and fog and other stuff."
Legs bopping and hands firmly on the sides of the armrests, Kenzie didn't even bother to reply. I can only guess she was thinking, "Science class. I don't need that! I'm 3 and a half. I know that clouds and fog are not the same. This silly lady needs science class."
Her mother and I exchanged quick smiles before Kenzie said good-bye and was off to travel in the fog, not to be confused with clouds as they are two very different things!

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