Thursday, March 27, 2008

La, la, la, laaaa, laaaa, la,la, laa, la, laaaa, laa, la,la...

Sometimes I wonder what makes some people like things that others really dislike greatly....? Case in point, I happen to love the new Apple commercial featuring a French little ditty with plenty of La, La's to go around. I thought to myself, "Self, this is great advertising with words discussing a old soul in a strange world and a catchy tune on the side to sliding a laptop out of an envelope. Nice!" Thoroughly enjoying the commercial, I feel compelled to "Shhhhh" others in the room just for 30 seconds of la, la listening pleasure. So much do I enjoy it that I turn up the volume just to here the la, la's more clearly (and this says alot as I am typically a mute all commercials type gal). But aye, here's the rub! Apparently the roommate greatly dislikes the commercial to the extent that her life would be much more pleasant never hearing said "la,la's" again. Hmmmm....greatly puzzling to me as the roommie and I enjoy many of the same things. So here's my query (before I head off tonight to deal with the important issues in life like how to get kids back with their parents) you enjoy the la, la's on the tube too?
Even if you don't, I'll still love you with all your quirks!
p.s. Now that I typed the blog....I can't get the la,la's out of my head.....


Dana said...

LOVE the la, la, laaaa's!!! Now I don't feel so crazy and admit my love openly without fear of condemnation!!! Thanks Abs!

The Rock Star said...

You already know how I feel about it...