Monday, March 3, 2008

On Guard!!!

The rockin refuge is well guarded tonight. Never fear, Lance's lego men are here! That's right... no intruders getting in the second story windows with the yellow and blue on duty.


M. Kate said...

I feel good knowing Lance and the legos are there to protect you. :)

Dana said...

WOW! Connor and Lance would get along great, when can we set up a play date?

Sorry about you Granmda Ab. Your family will be in my prayers over the next few days. I know you will be shining light for you unsaved relatives. Love you girl.

Abby :) said...

Thanks! And I'm sure Lance will never turn down an opportunity to break out the legos. Jonell and I have often conversed about the mysteries of the bro and his lego love. I tried to tell her that the legos really never grow old. In fact....I bet there are some closeted lego enthusiasts in the Career Class. =)