Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"It was a Baboon Heart!" insert laughter here

Jonelly and I are watching Olympics, enjoying some sofa time, and catching up on the day. Commercials come on for several items (I'm a die-hard commercial muter so no sounds were audible). We see the promo for a new series on NBC with Christian Slater as a guy that has 2 totally different lives and the following conversation ensues...

abby: "That looks interesting. I like Christian Slater as an actor. There's something mysterious about him."
jonelly: "Yeah..I like him too. Guess what my favorite movie is with Christian Slater in it."
abby, thinking what's the only Christian Slater movie I can think of, laughing: "Untamed Heart!"
jonelly, looking surprised at my quick and quippy reply,: "YEAH (like duh tone)!!!...
(something or other here....hard to say since we were laughing hard)
jonelly: "It was a great game and it was a baboon heart!"
abby: " yeah....the baboon heart!!!"
jonelly: (pause) How did you know that was my favorite movie with him?"
abby: "What other Christian Slater movies are there?"
jonelly: "I don't know."
abby: "Me either! Wasn't there a flood movie he was in (thinking...Jars of Clay had their Flood song in a Christian Slater movie but what was the name of that film?)

How ridiculous are we to both like him as an actor and we can't even tell you two movies he's in!


Jeremiah said...


The greatest Christian Slater movie of all time is....

"Gleaming the Cube".

It is about skate boarding! Loved it when I was a kid. He was also in

"Pump up the Volume" as well... in case you are wondering.


Jeremiah said...

Oh, just remembered another movie he was in...not a lead role but still a great movie...

Robin Hood...Prince of Thieves.

I am sure Mark Z. could name a few more.


Abby :) said...

Jonelly also remembered Bed of Roses he was in too. I'd forgotten about Prince of Thieves! Good memory Jeremiah.