Saturday, August 9, 2008

Super Tips for Homeowners

So...let me share another weekend of interesting items from the homefront.
About a month ago, I began contemplating how to remove my shower knobs to clean them. One evening at 11 pm, I attacked it with vigor. I tried twisting, pulling, and unscrewing but to no avail. They have continued to glare at me with mocking water residue just below the clear surface yet unreachable to even the smallest of brushes. I debated marching into Lowe's and finding a somewhat respectible clerk to explain my seemingly ridiculous problem but was pretty relunctant to say the knobs had won and subsequently I was deficient in knob removal IQ.
To my delightment, the water residue underneath the clearly mocking surface pushed off a portion of the top of the knob. Initially, I thought, "Oh great! One more thing to replace and I'm pretty sure shower knobs are not under $20." But no!!!! This predicament proved to be my saving grace. I grabbed a nearby pair of scissors, wedging them under the corner, and popped that face cover section of the knob off to discover....a secretly hiddent screw that allows for easy removal of the knob!
Armed with a baggy of white vinegar, cheap and able to dissolve almost any residue, I plucked that knob off and dropped it in to wait. Several minutes later with the help of a sponge and old toothbrush, I put back on my sparkling clear, residue-free knobs. The roommate and bros were amazed as I recounted my feat for Sat. afternoon fodder.
I also learned that simple staples due to trick to keep blinds that are slightly too long from continuing to drag on the floor.
And....perhaps even better...I found the power of joy! Yes, as the Scripture reads, my joy really was complete (well almost). A week ago, a bottle of weed killer leaked onto my garage floor. This would have not been any big deal as the garage floor has tire marks and a few oil drips except that the weed killer was florescent pink! Arghhh. Having had much success with the white vinegar all over the kitchen and bathroom fixtures, I thought I'd give it a try. No such luck. Still pink. And them I thought about the yellowy goodness lurking behind closed doors...JOY! So with a little elbow grease, broom in hand, I mixed my joy and water to bubble away the pinkness into the crevices in the garage. Maybe I'll get really lucky and the joy will also kill the any colonies below too. Needless to say, I was quite joyful about all the cheap but effective solutions to homeowner problems today. Now if I can just exchange the screen door rollers I bought that are the wrong size joy will overflow into Sunday =)


The Rock Star said...

You know, these stories are way better when witnessed in person! :)

MadMup said...

I need to keep an eye out on this blog for more super-handy tips. Why reinvent the wheel??

Sage Merecat said...

i'm going to miss the pink weed killer on the floor