Saturday, August 30, 2008

Timeless Anne-isms

I'll be rewinding time, at least in my mind, as of late while indulging in the Anne series. There is something innately girly in this delightful series and I am enjoying the escape from the many pressures as I sneak under the fluffy white covers to scan Anne's next quoteable and adventure. The beauty of the Anne series is you forget all the sub-story lines and experience them afresh after letting the books rest quietly on your shelves for 2 years. I am included some of my favorite Anne-isms. Be forwarned...Those of the less than female persuasion may be bewildered by the girly sayings below.

"I'm crying," said Anne in a tone of bewilderment. "I can't think why. I'm glad as glad can be. I'm so happy. But can you tell me why I'm crying?"

"Most of the trouble in life comes from misunderstanding. I think," said Anne.
"The little things in life, sweet and excellent in their place, must not be the things lived for; the highest must be sought and followed; the life of heaven must be begun here on earth."

"I think," said Anne softly, "that 'land where dreams come true' is the blue haze yonder, over that little valley."

"Echo is a beautiful nymph, Davy, living far away in the woods, and laughing at the world from among the hills."
"Is that all true Anne? Or is it a whopper?" demanded Davy staring.

"I was at Isaac Wright's funeral at White Sands last week. The husband of the corpse felt real sorry. Mrs. Lynde says Mrs. Wright's grandfather stole a sheep but Marilla says we mustn't speak ill of the dead. Why mustent we, Anne? I want to know. It's pretty safe ain't it?"

"We stood there and talked while Elizabeth sipped her milk daintily and she told me all about Tomorrow. The Woman had told her that Tomorrow never comes, but Elizabeth knos better. It will come sometime. Some beautiful morning she will just wake up and find it is Tomorrow. Not Today but Tomorrow. And then things will happen...wonderful things."

"She had what Rebecca Dew calls 'a delicate air,' and gave me the impression of a child who was more or less undernourished...not in body, but in soul. More of a moonbeam than a sunbeam."

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