Monday, May 5, 2008

All Things Great in 2008 Continues...

Lest you all forget this year's theme, above is the quick reminder. To carry on the theme, I will be attending the Third Day concert in Indy on 8.22.08. In case you haven't attended a Third Day concert before, let me assure you it's like one of the best rockin' worship experiences around. There aren't details on the website yet, but I thought I'd throw it out there to see who all was interested.
Rockin' Road Trippers Wanted.


The Rock Star said...

Considering my music collection... I should be going to this, too! :)

Have I mentioned "I WANNA BE A ROCKSTAR!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abby :) said...

I believe you already are a rockstar; however, the world has yet to acknowledge said stardom.

Daizie Girl said...

Jen and I are possibly interested! Depends on the beginning of the year timing. Keep us posted!

Sage Merecat said...

You know I will be there >.>