Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Farewell Kiddos!

Well...it's sad (but somewhat relieving) thought that WNKoF has come to a close. Some of my memorable kiddo moments can be reread in previous blog postings. On our final night, the kiddos surely did not dissapoint with a lack of quoteables. We had a picnic indoors and the kiddos brought their favorite stuffed animals to talk about. As we went around the circle, some kiddos thought it humorous to make up silly names on the spot such as "jello" since were were eating some later. Another little tot went up to talk about his bear that he brought. He promptly described it's features and noted it was a bear. When asked about the bear's names, he looked at it cooly before quipping, "Uhhh...Bear," with a "like duh" lint to his voice. Another moment was when the teacher said to hold their animal tight and declare, "I love you." One loveable kiddos said, "Mine says 'I love you too'." I'm really looking forward to a few weeks off and catching up with them again for VBS. If you're wondering where to serve, may I recommend VBS smalls where all the fascinating, little people can be found.
=) Happy growing in Christ kiddos!

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